How to treat lymph node tuberculosis

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How to treat lymph node tuberculosis

Current treatment of tuberculosis is mainly based on drug therapy. Treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis takes at least 6 months. Commonly used drugs for tuberculosis include Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin (RIF), Pyrazinamide (PZA), and Ethambutol (EMB).

This condition is more prominent amongst children, ufabet females of the Asian and Pacific ethnicities and it is also known as scrofula or cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis.

The common signs of lymph node tuberculosis are swelling or pain in one or more lymph nodes. It can begin with painless small or round nodules around the neck which may become large in weeks to months.

These nodules may drain pus or fluid after few weeks. Other symptoms include, fever, malaise i.e. a feeling of being unwell, sudden weight loss, sweating at night, fatigue, cough.

The condition is common in non-industrialized countries and children can develop it even from non-bacterial sources like contact with contaminated items. People with a weak immune system are likely to get affected with scrofula.

Underlying medical conditions like HIV, compromise the body’s immune system to fight back the infections and make individuals at the risk of developing this condition. 

In addition, if the patient has enlarged lymph nodes and severe symptoms, the doctor may treat by draining the pus from the lymph nodes as well.

Frequently asked questions about lymph node tuberculosis symptoms

1. Is lymph node tuberculosis dangerous?

Lymphatic tuberculosis is curable and is usually not life-threatening if properly diagnosed and treated. However, if left untreated or improperly treated, TB can spread from the lymph nodes to other organs, such as the lungs, bones, and brain. If TB spreads to the brain, it can cause life-threatening tuberculous meningitis.

2. Is lymph node tuberculosis contagious?

Lymphatic tuberculosis is difficult to transmit, unlike pulmonary tuberculosis. Which is usually spread through coughing and sneezing. Cases that may put you at risk of infection include patients with lymphatic tuberculosis who also have pulmonary tuberculosis bacteria, which allows them to spread the infection in the respiratory tract through coughing, sneezing, or talking, or by contact with fluid from an abscess or pus of the patient. People who directly touch a wound or abscess of the patient may be at risk of contracting the disease.

Lymphatic tuberculosis 

If you notice that your lymph nodes swollen. You have a wound or abscess that is draining pus, you have a high fever, and you lose weight rapidly and abnormally, do not leave it. You should see a doctor immediately.