What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
Symptoms of the disease can vary depending on the severity, but in general, common symptoms of tuberculosis include:
- Chronic cough lasting more than 2 weeks
- In some cases, coughing up blood-tinged sputum may occur.
- Had a low fever in the evening
- Sweating profusely at night
- Weight loss without cause
- tired
- Loss of appetite
Causes of tuberculosis risk
Tuberculosis is transmit from person to person through สมัคร ufabet the air (Airborne transmission). When an infecte person coughs, sneezes or speaks. The germs can disperse as droplet nuclei in the air and infect the respiratory system of others. The reasons that put you at risk of contracting tuberculosis include:
- Weakened immune system, such as those with HIV or those taking immunosuppressive drugs.
- Living in crowded environments, such as prisons or crowded communities
- Close contact with tuberculosis patients
BeDee Tips: Learn about lymph node tuberculosis, a disease caused by tuberculosis bacteria. Read on.
Dangers of Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a disease that causes damage to many organs. The most common dangers include:
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pulmonary tuberculosis causes scarring and damage to the lung tissue, resulting in reduced lung function and potentially long-term respiratory failure. If the infection occurs in the lungs. It can easily transmitte to others through coughing or sneezing.
- Tuberculous Meningitis
It is a severe form of tuberculosis involving the meninges and spinal cord, with a high risk of disability and mortality. Early symptoms may be nonspecific, such as fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Later, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting may occur. In the late stages of the disease, patients may become lethargic and have convulsions if not treated promptly.
- Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Swollen lymph nodes often felt in various parts of the body, especially in the neck. Lymph nodes usually grow slowly and are painless in the early stages. They usually do not spread. Tuberculosis germs can reduce the immune system’s ability to fight off other infections. Therefore, this disease is common in immunocompromised patients, such as those infected with HIV, who are at high risk of developing more severe and aggressive tuberculosis.
- Disseminated Tuberculosis
It is a tuberculosis that spreads from the lungs through the bloodstream to various parts of the body. The symptoms are non-specific, such as fever, cough, loss of appetite, and weight loss, making it difficult to diagnose. It is common in immunocompromised patients, such as those infected with HIV, who are at high risk of developing more severe and aggressive tuberculosis.
- Ophthalmic tuberculosis (Oculosis Tuberculosis)
Very rarely, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis can spread to the eye through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, causing ocular tuberculosis, or tuberculous infection of the eye. Symptoms include the development of a blister or ulcer on the conjunctiva, redness and irritation of the cornea, tearing or pus, inflammation or ulceration of the cornea, and possible reduction of vision.
What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious respiratory disease cause by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. It most commonly affects the lungs, causing pulmonary tuberculosis. It is usually spread through inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes of an infecte person. However, the bacteria can spread to other organs in the body, such as the bones, lymph nodes, or brain.