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What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? Symptoms of the disease can vary depending on the severity, but in general, common symptoms of tuberculosis include: Causes of tuberculosis risk  Tuberculosis is transmit from person to person through สมัคร ufabet the air (Airborne transmission). When an infecte

How to treat lymph node tuberculosis

How to treat lymph node tuberculosis Current treatment of tuberculosis is mainly based on drug therapy. Treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis takes at least 6 months. Commonly used drugs for tuberculosis include Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin (RIF), Pyrazinamide (PZA), and Ethambutol (EMB). This condition is more prominent

Lymphatic Tuberculosis: A Danger from Tuberculosis

Lymphatic Tuberculosis: A Danger from Tuberculosis That Should Not Be Overlooked What is lymphatic tuberculosis? Tuberculous lymphadenitis is a form of tuberculosis cause by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Which mainly causes pulmonary tuberculosis infection. Lymphatic tuberculosis is cause by the spread of the infection to

5 winter epidemics that all ages should be careful of

Although winter in our country is not that cold, there are winter epidemics that all ages should be careful of, especially young children, the elderly, and those with underlying diseases. They must be careful of getting sick. They can get vaccinated and maintain good health at all times. Risk

Best Fat Free Foods for Weight Loss

If you are looking for a way to lose weight, you don’t want to go for the store-bought food that will ruin your plan. You should have a list of fat-free foods for weight loss and print it out before you go grocery shopping. Best

Can eating less carbs really help you lose weight?

When it comes to weight loss, you will see that there are many ways to help us reach our goals. Some people may choose to use exercise in conjunction with dieting, especially focusing on foods that contain fat. However, in fact, reducing carbohydrate foods can

Minerals and vitamins for the elderly

Elderly people are the age group that should receive special nutritional supplements, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber in every meal to help slow down the deterioration of the body! One of the problems that the elderly face is the lack of minerals such as calcium,